On Friday, August 28th at approximately 10:00 pm, Rockledge Fire Department Engines 35, 36, 37 and District Chief 35 were dispatched to the intersection of Murrell Rd. and Barnes Blvd. for a head on crash. BCFR rescues 45, 47 and 48, truck 48, and district chief 45 were also dispatched for additional assistance. Crews worked tirelessly for approximately 45 minutes to remove the single occupant of one vehicle from the wreckage using specialized extrication equipment.
Of the two occupants of the other vehicle, one was flown by helicopter to HRMC with serious injuries while the other was uninjured. All responding agencies worked professionally and as quickly as possible to bring the incident to a safe conclusion. The members of IAFF 3138 wish to extend our sincere condolences and well wishes to all of those involved in this unfortunate accident.
Posted by M. Clark